Educational and Training Opportunities in Occupational Medicine

Canadian Board of Occupational Medicine Certification (CBOM)

President: Dr. David Elias
Canadian Board of Occupational Medicine
Three levels of certification: Associate, Certificant, Fellow
Suite 503, 386 Broadway Winnipeg, MB R3C 3R6

Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada

The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada established the specialty of occupational medicine some 30 years ago. Occupational Medicine is a sub-speciality of Internal Medicine, and training is done through internal medicine with application to Occupational Medical training programs during the internal medicine training as with any other internal medicine sub-speciality. Both the University of Alberta and the University of Toronto offer residency programs. Graduates become Fellows of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada (FRCPC). The Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons in each province or territory determines whether physicians will be recognized as Specialists; the FRCPC (Occ Med) is the usual requirement for recognition as a Specialist in Occupational Medicine.

Canadian Royal College Fellowship Training Programs

Occupational Medicine is a Sub-specialty of Internal Medicine. Graduates become Fellows of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada (FRCPC)

University of Toronto

Program Director: Dr. Aaron Thompson
Email Address:
Gage / St Michael’s Hospital
30 Bond St Toronto ON M5B 1W8

University of Alberta

Program Director: Dr. Harold Hoffman
Email address:
5-30 University Terrace, 8303-112 Street, Edmonton, AB T6G 2T4
Phone: 780.439.9491

University of Montreal

Contact: Dr. Louis Patry Direction de la santé publique de Montréal
Email address:
1301, rue Sherbrooke Est Montréal, QC H2L 1M3

Other Training Programs

College of Family Physicians of Canada
Occupational Medicine section of Communities of Practice in Family Medicine (CPFM)

Dr. Joel Andersen Sudbury, ON
Phone: (705) 522-8718 Cell: (705) 690 6827 Fax: (705) 522-9562
Email address:

Canadian Post Graduate Programs (MPH, MSc, other)

(this list does not include PhD programs, though many of the MPH / MSc programs below have related PhD programs)

Foundation Course in Occupational Medicine

Distance learning course in Occupational Medicine for practicing family physicians. This program has been accredited by The College of Family Physicians of Canada and the Alberta Chapter for up to 111 Mainpro-M1 credits, and is now available in Alberta, British Columbia, the Maritimes, Newfoundland and Ontario (Northern and London).

University of Alberta, Edmonton

Presently being offered in AB, BC, Maritimes and Ontario
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Division of Preventive Medicine
Phone: 780.492.4006

University of Toronto ((MScCH, MPH, Diploma in Industrial Health)

Division Head: James Scott
Email Address:
Office Phone Number: (416) 864-5074
St Michael’s Hospital, 30 Bond St., Toronto, ON, M5B 1W8
Website MPH:
Website Diploma:

University of Alberta (MPH, MSc) School of Public Health

3-300 Edmonton Clinic Health Academy 11405 – 87 Ave Edmonton, AB T6G 1C9 Canada
Phone: 780.492.9954 Fax: 780.492.0364
Email address:

University of British Columbia (MSc)

Occupational and Environmental Hygiene School of Population & Public Health
2206 East Mall, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z3, Canada
Phone: 604.822.2772
Fax: 604.822.4994
Email address:
Website :

McGill University

Occupational Health Science Program Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health Faculty of Medicine
1020 Pine Avenue West Montreal, Quebec H3A 1A2
Phone: 514-398-4229
Fax: 514-398-8851
Email address:

OEMAC - Occupational and Environmental Medical Association of Canada