Contact Us

Occupational and Environmental Medical Association of Canada
20 Crown Steel Drive, #6
Markham ON L3R9X9

Phone: 905-604-7728 
Fax: 1-905-415-0071

Copyright © 2024 Occupational and Environmental Medical Association of CanadaTous droits réservés © 2024 Association canadienne de la médecine du travail et de l’environnement

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wELCOME TO oemac

OEMAC is an active association of physicians with an interest in occupational and environmental medicine. It serves as a unified voice for Canadian occupational and environmental medicine and holds a scientific conference each year to exchange scientific and professional information.

This website has been designed to help members and non-members alike learn more about our organization, keep abreast of the latest news and breakthroughs in occupational and environmental medicine, and match job seekers with positions in their area. So please feel free to browse around. We hope that the information here will meet your needs.

If you have any questions about the website or OEMAC itself, please feel free to contact us at or by telephone at (905) 604-7728.


OEMAC unreservedly opposes all forms of systemic racism, unconscious bias and discrimination. The OEMAC board will therefore ensure any current or historical racism or discrimination are eliminated from all of its internal and external activities. The OEMAC Board and its members are committed to ensuring diversity, inclusivity and fairness in all of its internal operations, and striving to have these same fundamental values recognized and incorporated as an essential component of a healthy workplace anywhere in Canada.

– Approved By; OEMAC Board

Cliquez ici pour lire cette déclaration en français.

For The Occupational And Environmental Medical Association Of Canada’s Position Statement On The Implications Of Cannabis Use For Safety-Sensitive Work Click HereVersion en français.

All contents is provided for the information and education of the members of this association and its users. It is not intended as legal opinion, and should not be considered by the public as a substitute for the advice of a physician. The Occupational and Environmental Medical Association of Canada assume no responsibility or liability arising from any errors or omissions or from the use of any information contained herein.



Call or Fax Us
Office: 905-604-7728
Fax: 1-905-415- 0071

20 Crown Steel Drive #6,

Markham, ON L3R 9X9

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