Occupational and Environmental Medical Association of Canada
20 Crown Steel Drive, #6
Markham, ON
Phone: 905-604-7728
Email: oemac@secretariatcentral.com *Note: the best way to contact us is by e-mail and will respond within 24-48 hours.
PLEASE NOTE: The OEMAC cannot provide patients with the names of physicians providing care to patients. The Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons in most Canadian provinces and territories maintain a website for patients to find a physician by specialty. A list of these governing bodies is available on the Federation of Medical Regulatory Authorities of Canada’s website.
OEMAC Privacy Policy
Occupational and Environmental Medical Association of Canada (OEMAC) is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information of its members, employees, and persons whom we partner with for business purposes. We value the trust that these individuals place in us and recognize that in order to maintain this trust we must be transparent and accountable in the way in which we treat the information that they choose to share with us.
The OEMAC is aware of and will adhere to all legislative requirements, such as the federal Personal Information and Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), and the ten principles of the Model Code that were developed by the Canadian Standards Association – accountability, identifying purpose, consent, limiting collection, limiting use, disclosure and retention, accuracy, safeguards, openness, individual access and challenging compliance.
The OEMAC is aware of its responsibility to keep up to date on provincial and federal legislation, as well as any policies, rules and regulations that effect the OEMAC and its members.